The Amherst Railway Society and the Steam Locomotive Operation Group are sponsoring a raffle at the Northeast Large Scale Train Show. Over $4000 worth of model railroad equipment has been donated to the event - everything from rolling stock to structures to electronics. Sponsors currently include:
Bachmann Trains
Banta Models
Connecticut Trolley Museum
Model Rectifier Corporation
Piko America
Precision RC
Ring Engineering
Seashore Trolley Museum
Split Jaw Products, LLC
Train Control Systems
USA Trains
Tickets for the raffle are $5.00 each, or 5 for $20.00.
The drawing will be held on Saturday, May 3 at approximately 4:00 pm. You do not need to be present to win. Winning numbers and instructions on how to claim your item will be posted at
Raffle items can be viewed in the Young Building, section 84.

This year, Kids ON TRACK is offering two hands-on model railroad programs at the Northeast Large Scale Train Show in four different sessions. The programs are designed to give children experience building and decorating model railroad equipment and structures.
Build a Flatcar Load and Decorate a Building are open to children 15 and under. Sessions for both programs will be held on Saturday and Sunday.
There is no charge for the programs, but children must be registered to participate.
For full program details, click here.

So, what’s a train show without a train ride? Yup - we thought the same thing - and added a train ride to the Northeast Large Scale Train Show weekend.
On Sunday morning, May 4, join us at Springfield Union Station for a CTrail train ride from Springfield to Hartford and return. The train leaves Springfield at 9:55 am and arrives in Hartford at 10:32 am. We have about a 15 minute wait in Hartford for our return train that brings us back to Springfield at 11:33 am.
The cost for the train ride is $5.00 per person except for children two (2) and under who ride free.
Tickets can be purchased online here.
Parking in the Union Station parking garage on Main Street is $2.00.
IMPORTANT: if you are riding this train, you must be in the main concourse of Springfield Union Station no later than 9:30 on Sunday morning for check-in. We are riding regularly scheduled CTrail trains, and it is important that they run on time.
The Large Scale Limited is a joint effort of the Amherst Railway Society, CTrail, and Springfield Union Station.

The Steam Locomotive Operation Group is sponsoring a White Elephant table at the Northeast Large Scale Train Show. If you have any S-scale, O-scale, G-scale, F-scale, 7.25 gauge, 7.5 gauge and larger model railroad gear, you are welcome to bring the items to show and sell them at the White Elephant Table.
Sellers will be asked to donate $1 for every five items they wish to sell. Sellers are also asked to donate 10% of completed sales to the Steam Locomotive Operations Group.
The White Elephant Table is located in the Better Living Center.

The Drag & Brag table is one of the most popular events at large scale train shows. It’s an opportunity for large scale modelers to bring in projects and show them to an admiring audience. Show visitors, in turn, get to admire some really creative modeling and ask questions about how the work was done.
Show visitors are eligible to bring large scale modeling projects for display.
The Drag & Brag section is sponsored by Large Scale Central, and will be located in the Better Living Center
On Saturday evening, May 3, 2025 the Large Scale Train Show banquet will be held at the Storrowton Tavern on the grounds of Eastern States Exposition.
The event starts at 6:00 pm and is sponsored by Only Trains.
Seating is limited to 60 guests. For reservations, contact the Show Office at:
In addition, the society is inviting anyone with an operating Gauge-1 steam locomotive to bring it to the show and run it on their tracks. Please note, however, that only propane and butane fueled locomotives will be allowed to run. Open flame or coal fired locomotives can be displayed, but cannot be fired indoors.
Wow - two days of live steam!